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JET Imaging Consensus Document

JETコアメンバーで作成したperipheral interventionのイメージングモダリティ(IVUS,OFDI,Angioscopy)のコンセンサスドキュメントがCVIT誌にPublishされました。

Clinical expert consensus document on standards for lower extremity artery disease of imaging modality from the Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference


Fujihara M, Kurata N, Yazu Y, Mori S, Tomoi Y, Horie K, Nakama T, Tsujimura T, Nakata A, Iida O, Sonoda S, Torii S, Ishihara T, Azuma N, Urasawa K, Ohki T, Komori K, Kichikawa K, Yokoi H, Nakamura M.

Erschienen in: Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics
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